The New Yok Marine Corps League Foundation, Inc was founded in 2003 as a 501(c)3 charitable organization, as a direct result of the 911 terrorist attack in New York City in 2001. The Foundation was founded by Marine Ken O’Brien who passed in 2018. Marine O’Brien’s had a passion for helping others and putting his heart and sole into the Foundation, from helping Marines, assisting communities to presenting scholarships to deserving applicants. The Foundation is run by appointed members of the Marine Corps League who meet at regular meetings of the Marine Corps League Department of New York.
The Foundation provides assistance in the following ways:
1. “THE UNCOMMON VALOR” and “GEORGE J. CONKLIN” SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAM: To provide financial assistance for the higher education of children, grandchildren, and dependents, of members of the Department of New York, Marine Corps League, whose current tenure is five (5) or more year’s continuous membership in the Marine Corps League – Department of New York. The scholarship applications must be received by 1 March of each year.
2. MARINES HELPING MARINES: We provide financial assistance to our Marine Corps Family (Active, Reservist, or Retired), when circumstances beyond their control have left them with financial problems. The amount in each case is decided on individual need. If you or another member may need help, contact President Jim Ransom at
3. DISASTER RELIEF: We aid communities that have suffered a natural (hurricane, tornado, or flooding) disaster. The Foundation helps serve in many aspects of our Marine Corps Family but we need YOUR support to continue helping those in need. Please consider donating to this worthwhile cause or ask your Detachment to add a line on your annual budget.
Please make check payable to “New York Marine Corps League Foundation, Inc.” and send to:
New York Marine Corps League Foundation, Inc
PO Box 21
Rome, New York 13442
Please earmark your check with either Scholarship or Relief Fund. Checks without a notation will be divided equally in both funds.
The New York Marine Corps League Foundation, Inc. is an IRS recognized 501(c)3 charitable organization. Donations are recognized as deductible for tax purposes. Please support The New York Marine Corps League Foundation, Inc. Your tax deductible donation will be greatly appreciated. New York State Charities Bureau Registration Number: 06-62-89.